
Random porn guy, Rich Koch

There were literally years of my life where the cop in the first series of pictures was an object of lust, never knowing he was one and the same with the "unmasked" man in the latter images. I obviously thought that both were hot body wise, but had saved the images in different porn folders (yes, I'm that obsessive), It wasn't until Men Magazine published a 20 Year retrospective that I hooked up the cop with the relatively well known Colt model Rich Koch. His appearance in the "Hairy Chested Men" deserves honorable mention. I remember seeing this calendar in a porn store near Port Authority when I wasn't quite comfortable buying gay porn yet....but I got over it quickfast because up till that point I had not realized there was a sub-market of porn that pandered directly to me. Oh, innocence. I miss the shock of finding something hotter than I thought possible. I take my woodies granted now, but I guess its the trade off for being a well adjusted gay man.


  1. one of my favorites too. I just wish there were more pics of him out there :)

    Great site you have here!
